Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Complex Equations...

Remember the complex numbers in Mathematics??? The numbers which have real and imaginary part (a+bi). The methods for solving complex equations generally depend on the type of equation, both the kind of expressions in the equation and the kind of values that may be assumed by the unknowns/variables. 
Wait wait wait.... Before you stop reading further thinking that it a blog on complex equations of Maths, let me tell you that I'm not an ardent fan of Mathematics and this is surely not a mathematical blog... Its just that the general concepts that we learned in school seem fascinating when we relate it to our day to day life and understanding. 

Our life too is complex.. isn't it?? It too has both the real and imaginary part. REAL part can be understood as the GOAL, the purpose of our life and imaginary part--- perhaps, the emotions attached.. Maya as we say...

Life is simple or complex was the question in my mind. Many great people have said that Life is simple. 
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” - Confucious.
"Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing." - Oscar Wilde
I agreed to the quotes to much extent... But, when I think about it from another angle, I get the answer - Life is complex. How can life be simple?? God made such a HUGE universe. There are so many things to know and to understand.. The more you explore the God's creation, the more you feel that there is more to it to explore. As they say, its a journey towards infinity...  It is made up of so many components, that there is no formula and no easy answers. Every person has to make their own path through life. There is no predefined path. Life cannot be settled by hard and fast rules. The right road for one might be wrong for another. In the life's journey, we don't have sign-boards, it's not all brightly lit, it can be very bumpy at times. Then, how do we choose the direction?? What do we do, when we are at crossroads??? Isn't it sounding very complex?? 
Perhaps, it is sounding complex because evolution has equipped us with a brain which is capable of thinking more than what is actually required..;) .. the way I am thinking right now...  I may end up making it more complex, the more I think. So....shall stop here!

The only solution is "Believe that we CAN make it simple", when we feel that it is getting complicated... We need to keep on simplifying it until it gets to the END. We can make it simple by accepting the fact that we don't have control over vagaries of life. What we need is an objective, a purpose and a belief.


  1. but u know, life is not that easy :P

  2. When God created the must have been a simple process for Him..the human mind percieves it perhaps,as being complex.(perhaps..bold..italic..underlined)

    My take on it??... "Life IS indeed simple..we can choose to percieve it either way."

    It all boils down to our "Perception".. "Attitude" and all the equated synonyms.

  3. actually yeh blog padne ke baad soch rahi hu ke tujhe follow karna band kar du!!!!!

  4. life is not simple yaar, and when u compair with maths equation ...god its seems more complicated to me :p.nice post.

  5. @Riya- True. Life is difficult at times.
    @Trans - Yeah.. We are always on same page.. :)
    @Raji - All I can say is... "KEEDI!! CHUP KAR!!"
    @Ranju - I understand.. :D

  6. I didn't understand this post of yours. May be a bit complex for my brain :)

  7. Hehe! Complexity comes into picture, when one tries to over-explain a thing or under-explain. I'm not sure, this is the result of the former or later... :D

  8. Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.-LAO TZU

  9. @ Vinod - Thanks for commenting. Nice Quote.


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