Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beliefs and Values

Getting to know different people and their very different perspective on life is a great experience in itself. We get amazed when sometimes people don't behave in the way we expect them to. Some of the things or say basic ethics which we feel are very natural to any human may seem to be "Rocket science" for others. I have experienced this recently and was wondering and pondering over these thoughts.

I believe that the basic difference among the people comes from beliefs and values one has. There are many influences in society that could affect our beliefs and values. It probably starts from the influence of our cultural backgrounds, our parents, our communities, our schools and teachers, our books. And, we also form our own beliefs from individual life experiences and observations.
Eventually, we figure out an optimal path guided by our values -- matched to our personality, environment, responsibilities, health, etc. But our beliefs and values can change with time. Changing beliefs and values will shift one's fundamental goals, motivations, attitudes, behavior -- our direction in life.

"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is."
--Bhagavad Gita


  1. In furtherance with your thinking, you will soon understand that you're only one among the millions in this world. Nobody out there owes you anything nor do you owe anything to them. So the imaginary morals and codes which we develop are ok as long as they are ok.. It will free your mind to see that you're free to do whatever you like.. Nobody owes us even a decent civil behavior..but we are free to decide on our reactions...!

  2. I agree with you that its diffcult to cope up with the situation when people dont behave as we expect. But through our belief and values, we should not judge others. I remember a saying, which says, "never judge anyone, because every saint had a past and every sinner has a future".

    So deary, just try to ignore unwanted things and the most important thing is attitude.Your attitude towards anything..:D

    Keep writing..Be happy :D

  3. Ethics should be same for all, unfortunately we human being interprets things differently as we are the most intelligent species in this world.

  4. @Pravin bhaiyya .. very well said. That's very true..


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