Sunday, January 5, 2025

Consume or Dismiss a thought

Best thing I did in 2024 was to read the book "Atomic habits" and it sparked a chain reaction of reading many other books, some self-help books, some one-time read novels and some audio books; And, somehow I was able to make time for many things which I genuinely am interested in. Reading more also enabled me to write more. 

Like every year, 2024 taught me some valuable lessons. 
Here I will share 2 of the significant takeaways which I wanted to document. 

1. Embracing humility - Be Humble, but ensure that it is not misinterpreted as lack of confidence, assertiveness or strength. Embodying humility does not mean that we agree with everything that others say, and avoid confrontation at any cost. It does not mean we are always trying to please others and appease them. It does not mean that we believe everything we hear. It does not mean that we allow ourselves to be intimidated, taken advantage of, and manipulated. 
It means that we recognize our limitations and are open to growth; we are here to learn from one another and we are here to help and be helped.

2. Mindful consumption of thoughts:
“When you drink water from a cup, it becomes part of you. When water falls on you like rain, it evaporates a few minutes later.
Is this thought nourishing? Is this feeling something you should drink? Or is it more like getting caught in the rain?
You’ll always feel the rain, but you don’t have to drink the rain. You can let the thought pass and in a few moments the sun will return. You don’t have to claim everything you feel.”
 This analogy by James Clear resonated with me deeply. It highlights the power of choice in managing ones thoughts and feelings. By recognizing that we dont have to internalize every feeling, we can learn to navigate challenging situations. It is up to us on consuming or dismissing a thought.

Negativity is inevitable. Practice to observe the negativity, learn from it and let it go. Remember, you get better at what you practice, 

What do you plan to practice this year?? Whatever your goals are, remember that small consistent steps can lead to profound transformation. 


  1. Very Well written. Humility comes from understanding ourselves and being open to learning, not from trying to please others or avoiding conflicts. I liked the reminder about negativity -- it's life. But how we respond to it is truly matters. This year I plan to practice resilience and flexibility. Thanks for the reminder that transformation happens through consistent effort!

  2. That's an awesome thought. I have read atomic habits and it is a great book.

    In my opinion most of the hurdles are psychological. They don't exist out of the psyche.

  3. Very well written, my goal is to take the brighter side of everything. Controlling the emotions and learn from past mistakes.
    Like a lamp (diya), when lit up, it glows and gives us light, however underneath the diya there’s also darkness. But we focus on the light and take positive energy from it.


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