Saturday, May 18, 2024

Survival of the fittest

I was surfing on youtube when I came across a video where birds were plucking the hair of the deer. 
It was a cute video showing the deer enjoying a free hair cut while the birds collected raw material to build their nests. This got me thinking. 

Over the years we have had a narrow belief that the survival of the fittest means that the strongest always wins. "Fittest" meant having the competitive advantage over others, winning over others. But in essence, Nature teaches us that  "Fittest" are often those who can coexist and support the health of their community.
"Fittest" can mean the most effective collaborators, those who create independent web of ecosystem. 

There are many such examples in nature of such symbiotic relationships. Food for thought - Are we intune with nature in this aspect? What can we do differently to cooperate and evolve within our ecosystems and with our fellow beings?

Signing off with this thought.
Love & Peace.

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