Saturday, March 11, 2023

Gaban by Munshi Premchand

Never thought I can read a hindi novel that too almost a century old classic novel. Last I read something must have been champak Or nandan (story books) during my childhood days.  Thanks to #kindleUnlimited. Its been there in my library for a couple of months now. I assumed that it will not engage me... After all it is published in 1931. How would I even relate to pre-independence era story, that too in Hindi!! 

But I was so very wrong! I am pleasantly surprised to note that this century old novel still is very relevant to this era. 

The story is about Ramanath whose life is swayed by people of authority as well as his wrong notions about the people he knew. He didn't have a mind of his own, got easily scared about the consequences of his actions but who didn't have the courage to fight for them when things actually went wrong. Because of his irresponsible actions, he didn't know how he was actually causing harm to his family and got himself caught up in situations none could get him out of. He is a morally weak character.

The story discusses gender equality, abolishment of cruel traditions against women, education, casteism. It portrays beautifully female friendships, the concept of acceptance and universal family, how innocent lives get manipulated by the people in authority.

The female characters in the story come out so beautifully with a lot strength. 
Ramanath's wife Jalpa - whose character starts as a childish girl who is attracted to jewelry and turns out as a strong woman with nothing but a pure soul. 
Ratan - the wife of an old barrister. This parallel story gives room to narrate age gap in marriages, laws which were against women in general, true friendship between Jalpa and Ratan. 
Jogeshwari - The old woman who seems heartless and materialistic in the beginning but as the story unfolds, it shows the unconditional motherly nature beneath the surface. 
Johra - A prostitute by profession and how she gets transformed and accepted by Jalpa and her family. 

I found the ending a little abrupt but overall it was a wonderful read. This is interestingly my first book review.. May be because most of the books I read so far were as I expected them to be. This one was beyond my expectations. 

Some beautiful lines
मानव-जीवन की सबसे महान घटना कितनी शांति के साथ घटित हो जाती है। वह विश्व का एक महान अंग, वह महत्त्वाकांक्षाओं का प्रचंड सागर, वह उद्योग का अनंत भंडार, वह प्रेम और द्वेष, सुख और दुःख का लीला-क्षेत्र, वह बुद्ध और बल की रंगभूमि न जाने कब और कहाँ लीन हो जाती है, किसी को ख़बर नहीं होती। एक हिचकी भी नहीं, एक उच्छवास भी नहीं, एक आह भी नहीं निकलती! सागर की हिलोरों का कहाँ अंत होता है, कौन बता सकता है? ध्वनि कहाँ वायु-मग्न हो जाती है, कौन जानता है? मानवीय जीवन उस हिलोर के सिवा, उस ध्वनि के सिवा और क्या है? उसका अवसान भी उतना ही शांत, उतना ही अदृश्य हो तो क्या आश्चर्य है!

विजय बहिर्मुखी होती है, पराजय अन्तर्मुखी।

रुदन में कितना उल्लास, कितनी शांति, कितना बल है। जो कभी एकांत में बैठकर, किसी की स्मृति में, किसी के वियोग में, सिसक-सिसक और बिलख-बिलख नहीं रोया, वह जीवन के ऐसे सुख से वंचित है, जिस पर सैकड़ों हँसियाँ न्योछावर हैं। उस मीठी वेदना का आनंद उन्हीं से पूछो, जिन्होंने यह सौभाग्य प्राप्त किया है। हँसी के बाद मन खिन्न हो जाता है, आत्मा क्षुब्ध हो जाती है, मानो हम थक गए हों, पराभूत हो गए हों। रुदन के पश्चात एक नवीन स्फूर्ति, एक नवीन जीवन, एक नवीन उत्साह का अनुभव होता है।

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