Sunday, January 1, 2023

Welcome 2023

It's a lazy winter morning and I was feeling super lazy. I wanted to stay in bed tugged in the warmth of the blanket for some more time.. And continue with the movie that was playing on screen in the theatre called dream.. 
But.. This tummy... It is never in the control of your heart... Neither when it is empty nor when it needs to get emptied. Tummy makes sure that it gets the priority... 
By the way, hasn't tummy these days become the focal point of our lives? Whatever be it's size, people have to comment about it๐Ÿ˜„. 

Anyway, I woke up reluctantly, got fresh up to medidate. First day of the year.. I wanted to be good girl... But these days, I just can't sit for long with no thoughts. Mind is always in multi-tasking mode. Thoughts jumbled up. Unlike Tummy, mind takes its own sweet time to have the thoughts settled. 
Wish there was a pause button which we could press to mute the thoughts for a while.. 
I got distracted and couldn't stop myself from swiping the mobile screen left right and center. I had so many things to do... So many new year messages to forward and reply.. Whether or not you are at work, it becomes obsessive compulsive responsibility to swipe the office emails and chats and respond wherever you can. And these reels in social media--- I don't know why I watch them.. And I don't know why I can't stop after watching one reel.. I sometimes sincerely thank God that social media was not prevalent during my student life. I could have flunked my exams!! 

Coming back to the pause button, I know that it's quite possible and is not as fancy as it sounds. It ONLY takes PRACTICE and WILL to get there, to take a moment to step back and reflect deeply before we spring forward.. Expressing these words of wisdom to yourself helps in soul searching.

May this new year bring a lot of wisdom in our lives to be at our best. Happy New Year. 

Train Journeys & Time Travel

The rhythmic movement of the train, the constant hum of conversations, the occasional cries of babies, fill the compartment. A father walks ...