Monday, February 27, 2012

The Mumbles inside me

Its been a long time since I wrote something.. No Diary, no posts, no notes... Nothing!
Today, I'm writing because I just want to continue writing. Feels like I lost the art of writing. Feels like I forgot how to make a diary entry...
There were too many happenings in my life in these 5 months to note down. My coming back to Delhi after 5 years, Marriage, my new family, Trip to Kerala with hubby, New boring workplace.. Some exciting things, some extremely boring things.. Some happy moments and a few brooding moments.. 
But I could not note down any of my thoughts.. because, precisely, I didn't get enough time to write down .. (Ok.. I didn't take out enough time). When you write a blog post, you have a thought that begins the process of writing, and that thought weaves on till it comes to a conclusion...  But when you have too many thoughts... that too very disconnected thoughts, how would you be able to conclude it in one post??? I have been mumbling to myself all these months, many thoughts which were forgotten soon after mumbling.
The most recent mumble today:
"Priorities change with Time" - Experiencing this itself is a kind of revelation...Revelation, that we need to learn to prioritize things and changes without changing the self completely... 
(P.S : U must have noticed in this post that my writing ability has drastically degraded.. :( I will try to keep writing instead of mumbling... )

Train Journeys & Time Travel

The rhythmic movement of the train, the constant hum of conversations, the occasional cries of babies, fill the compartment. A father walks ...