Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Random thought!

We all have thoughts frequently popping-up in our minds. How much ever hard you try, sometimes they just don’t leave us.   You're doing something; but the mind works on its own thoughts many a times. Ever experienced the feeling of "I WANT TO SLEEP NOW! Hey, THOUGHTS! Please don't disturb me!"? 

Sometimes I do imagine myself opening the Task Manager of my mind and killing the process "Thought.exe", when I am actually fed up... And, if I'm feeling extremely bad for some reason, I imagine myself doing "Shift+delete" to permanently delete the sadness or bad thoughts associated with it. Or, if I am angry, just delete the anger to recycle-bin.  Sometimes, these funny things work and sometimes they don’t. It depends upon the WILL with which the suggestion is given to your mind. 
It may sound quite absurd for some, but being a windows system admin, I sometimes tend to implement a few things on my own system :)
I feel that when a man-made machine, computer has this option, how can the God's greatest creation - Man, does not have this option? We delete the unwanted files timely to keep our system clean. Why can't we do the same thing with our own human system - The heart and the mind? 
The thoughts come and go. If we thoroughly understand, a thoughtless state exists, but we are too much connected with thoughts, we either take too much interest in them or we hate them, and both are not too good for us. We should do a timely cleaning depending upon the threshold of the mind and the heart to take it up. In my opinion, this will result in a peaceful life... 

Any thoughts popping up after reading this??

Train Journeys & Time Travel

The rhythmic movement of the train, the constant hum of conversations, the occasional cries of babies, fill the compartment. A father walks ...